Collection of Solar Eclipse Postcards
Programmer: Bill Kramer
Last update: April 17 2015
Eclipse Chaser
(noun) - Anyone that wants to see a total solar eclipse.

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Collection of Solar Eclipse Postcards


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Faroe Islands - Faroe Islands eclipse postcard included with the Isl...
2015 Faroe Island postcard pack, 19 Kroner for mailing world wide - courtes...
2015 Faroe Island postcard pack, 17 Kroner for mailing to Europe - courtesy...
Postcard by Fred Espenak
1972 Picture of the eclipse
1981 Eclipse path
1981 write up on back
1994 Eclipse flash spectrum
1994 Eclipse flash spectrum
2001 Eclipse and elephant
2001 Eclipse art card from Zambia
2001 Eclipse group sales card
2002 Eclipse phases
2006 Turkey
Postcard by Fred Espenak
Postcard by Fred Espenak
Postcard by Bill Kramer and Bob Bradlee
1925 Pictures of the Eclipse
1925 Pictures of the Eclipse - reverse of card has description.
1932 Pictures of the eclipse phases
1932 Pictures of the eclipse phases
1952 Picture of the eclipse
1963 Picture of the eclipse path
1970 Picture of the eclipse
1970 Picture of the eclipse
Postcard available only in limited numbers from post office in French Polyn...
Postcard available only in limited numbers from post office in French Polyn...
Eclipse Map cover 1927 - Postcard issued in 1991 by Ordnance Survey ...
Eclipse Map cover 1927 - Postcard issued in 1991 by Ordnance Survey ...