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Inner Space Art
Photo Manipulation Art Work and Commentary
by Wolfgang Schindler

Image Copyrighted by Wolfgang Schindler, all rights reserved.
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Before and after Sunset

This is the follow-up-book to Standard Landscape and thus another collection of blurred, noisy, and un-rendered photographs. While I was working on the first book in June 2012 my father died and since my mother and my brother had died earlier that year, not only had I found myself in a grievous situation, but left alone with a large archive of family pictures containing more than sixty-thousand prints and slides, its oldest dating back to the early years of the twentieth century.

Sorting and scanning those photographs would be a life-long task for me and I do not know yet whether I am onto this mission or not, but I have already sighted small portions of the prints, especially the photos showing me as a child, and also the last pictures my father took. It was his habit to take a picture of the sunset and the cloudless evening sky almost every time he had the chance to do so, and I include a few of his photographs in my book, together with pictures showing me as a child.

To photograph me, my parents (the two pictures of them are the very first photos I ever took) put me into an now more than one-hundred years old wood-framed cardboard-chair which they had inherited from the household of my grand-grandparents. This chair was designed in 1908 by Hans Guenther Reinstein, an Art Noveau Designer of the early twentieth century, and somehow it has not only survived two world wars, but also three generations of children playing with it. The photograph of this chair, now standing in my flat and waiting for the next generation of kids abusing it, concludes this book.

There will be a third book alike, presenting more faded photographs of my life past and present. I know that the pictures bound in this trilogy cannot mean the same to anyone else as what they mean to me, but I presume they may hold a certain quality beyond my personal preference, so that they are still worth to be looked at.

Click here to preview and order the book as hardcopy.

Click here to preview and order the book as ebook.


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