Extreme Eclipse Chaser Cartoons
Author: Bill Kramer
Last update: 14 DEC 2014 BK
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Extreme Eclipse Chaser Cartoons

- by Bill Kramer

Extreme Eclipse chasers will do what ever it takes to see totality.

Click the image for a higher resolution display. You can use these images in your own presentations with the following acknowledgement: Image (c)Bill Kramer, www.eclipse-chasers.com. For commercial requests (publications) please contact me.


Extreme: Getting above the clouds is not easy and creative solutions may flood your brain. Avoid the temptation and hope for the best.


Wing walking: Would you consider this as an option to get above the clouds? Wing walking with camera(s) on a vintage flying circus plane sounds pretty crazy. Thing is, I have heard of worse.


Top Gear: A TV show that features high end cars and fast driving. When a weather front is moving across the area a fast car may be all that is needed to get out from under it for totality.


Extreme Eclipse Chaser: With clouds threatening to obscure the view, this eclipse chaser has resorted to borrowing the human cannon from a local circus. Of course, this notion is absurd, that is the fun!


All eclipse cartoons were created by Bill Kramer using an iPad and the ArtRage drawing program.


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